24 Hour Hotline

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs

Every day, people across New Jersey experience harm from domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and incest – both those who are directly victimized and those who witness these forms of abuse. In fact, according to state and federal statistics, there are over 63,000 domestic violence incidents and 1,500 sexual assaults using physical force reported in the state of New Jersey each year. AVANZAR’s free, safe, and confidential programs for people who have undergone domestic violence or sexual assault are built to help heal physical, psychological, and emotional trauma, empower people to live on their own terms, and prevent recurrence of abuse.

24-Hour Hotline:
If you or someone you know is in danger due to domestic violence, call us at (800)-286-4184 or send a text message to (609)-569-5437. Trained counselors and staff are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to assist you with crisis intervention, emotional support, information about our emergency shelter, counseling, legal advocacy, and other community and social service resources. Our mission is to make sure you always have somewhere to turn to in a crisis.

Our first priority is providing physical safety. We offer 24-hour temporary, emergency, and protective housing at a confidential location for people who have been the victims of domestic violence and their children.


If you have been affected by sexual assault or domestic violence, you may feel overwhelmed with feelings of isolation, distrust, anger, guilt, depression, or loss. You don’t have to face trauma alone – AVANZAR offers individual, family, and group counseling to help you heal from psychological pain and maintain better mental health in the future.

Fatherhood Services:

AVANZAR provides group facilitation to male-identified individuals who have caused harm, offering an opportunity for positive change. Through group facilitation, our participants learn to achieve emotional control, eliminate abusive behavior, and take accountability for their actions, which move toward ending the cycle of violence. The program is voluntary but can be mandated by the Courts and DCP&P. For more information, call Michael Farrow at 609-569-4501 or Christina Sica at 609-415-8562

We believe everyone who has suffered abuse deserves the resources required to bring those who harmed them to justice. If you have been impacted by domestic violence or sexual assault and need legal assistance, AVANZAR can help. While we cannot directly provide legal representation, our Legal Services Coordinator can give you information, counseling, accompaniment, and follow-up support as you obtain an attorney and navigate the complexities of the legal system. Our primary goal is to ensure your safety and rights are protected.

Sexual Assault Response Team/Forensic Nurse Examiner Program (SART/FNE):

When a sexual assault occurs, the victim/survivor can request some or all of the Sexual Assault Response Team. The Sexual Assault Response Team consists of the Confidential Sexual Assault Advocate Assistant, Forensic Nurse Examiner, and Law Enforcement to provide immediate assistance and support to victims/survivors of sexual assault. For more information on becoming a Confidential Sexual Assault Advocate Assistant, see Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates (CSVA).

Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates (CSVA):

The Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate serves as part of the Sexual Violence Response Team (SART). Individuals or groups can train to be volunteers after completing a comprehensive 40-hour training. After training, the advocates are dispatched to local hospitals and or police departments to support sexual assault survivors. The volunteers provide supportive services and referrals to counseling and support groups. If you would like to become a volunteer on the Sexual Assault Response Team, call Monique Corbitt at 609-833-0265

Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT):

When a Domestic Violence incident occurs, the Domestic Violence Response Team is dispatched to the local police stations, hospitals, and various locations to support victims/survivors of Domestic Violence. The Domestic Violence Response Team includes a Domestic Violence Volunteer Advocate and Law Enforcement. The volunteers provide supportive services and referrals to counseling and legal advocacy. To become a Domestic Violence Response Team Volunteer Advocate, call Merilyn Disla at 609-507-5833

Primary Prevention Specialist:

AVANZAR staff provides coordinated education training to the community as it relates to the prevention of rape and sexual assault. The prevention work is focused on Community Connectedness. Through the Coalition Against Sexual Violence, we work together with organizations on a common goal of tackling social determinants of health in our community to prevent sexual violence by addressing protective and risk factors in the community. For more information, email JuWana McNear at [email protected].

Community Education:

AVANZAR provides customized training and presentations to all interested professionals and community organizations. Training topics include Agency Overview, Healthy Relationships, Consent and Boundaries, sexual violence, Teen Dating Violence, and the Bystander Approach. For more information on community education, email your request to JuWana McNear at [email protected].

The Clothesline Project:

Inspired by the iconic collective works of activist art, such as the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, the Clothesline Project draws attention to the pervasiveness of violence through bold visuals. The project displays shirts hung on a clothesline, each decorated by a victim/survivor of violence or someone who cares about them.

Emergency Cellular Phone Program:

We provide cell phones that can automatically Dial 911 or AVANZAR 24-hour hotline at no cost to people who are in immediate physical danger due to domestic violence.

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    If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault please call our 24-hour hotline at 1-800-286-4184.  For more information about these programs, call us at 609-646-6767.