24 Hour Hotline

Our Mission: Empowering Individuals and Families

Since our founding as The Women’s Center in 1975, AVANZAR has sought to bring positive change to the lives of people experiencing abuse and marginalization through our free and confidential services. We are among the oldest and most experienced social justice-focused nonprofit organizations in New Jersey, and our mission is to bring empowerment to individuals and families based on the principles of physical safety, emotional well-being, personal freedom, and financial security.

Nights of Safe Shelter Provided in 2023
Responses on Our Crisis Hotline in 2023
Lives Changed by Our Programs in 2023

Our Programs

Displaced Home Maker & Self-Sufficiency

Displaced Home Maker & Self-Sufficiency

We provide support for individuals reentering the workforce after divorce, separation, loss, disability of a partner, or domestic violence.



At AVANZAR, we work to make sure no child in our communities has to go through this form of trauma alone.

Grow NJ Kids

Grow NJ Kids

AVANZAR oversees the South Region Technical Assistance Center for Grow New Jersey Kids, a state initiative to improve childcare and early education quality.

Fatherhood Services

Fatherhood Services

These services provide support to individual fathers and groups seeking to grow as parents and improve their roles in their children’s lives. The program is voluntary but can be mandated by the Courts and DCP&P.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs

We have an emergency shelter, counseling, a 24-hour hotline, and other services dedicated to empowering individuals impacted by domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, or sexual abuse.

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

AVANZAR offers assistance for people who have experienced labor trafficking or sex trafficking. We also promote education on human trafficking awareness and prevention.

Social Justice

Customized training for organizations is available through our Social Justice services, including government agencies and nonprofit groups seeking greater inclusion and equality within their operations.

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